I hope everyone has had a nice summer. It’s time to start marching band.
Upcoming dates:
Tuesday, July 16 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Thursday, July 18 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Sunday July 21 Clermont County Fair Parade 12:00
Report to Owensville Building/Ends at Fairgrounds
Monday, July 29 Band Camp Kickoff 5:30-8:00PM
Tuesday, July 30-Friday Aug 2 Band Camp 8:00-5:30PM
Tuesday, August 6 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
- Summer Band Activities.
- Bring Water.
- We wear athletic shoes for band-please no crocs or slides
- Dress for the weather
- Please enter/exit through the band room door/door next to it-C 12 or C 13
- We have limited access to the school, please follow instructions about restrooms.
- Bring Water.
- Band Camp Lunch-The band boosters will provide lunch each day with the band camp fee $50.
Wednesday is ChickFilA Day
Thursday is Pizza Day
Friday is Cookout lunch
- Uniforms- We will fit uniforms at the beginning of band camp.
We could use some parents to help with uniform fittings and lunch.
- The Clermont County Fair Parade will be Sunday, July 21. We will wear blue band shirts, shorts and gym shoes. Please plan to arrive in front of the Owensville building by 12:30(it becomes challenging to get there after that time). We will have the band trailer with instruments in front of the Owensville Building. The band will be dismissed on the infield grass at the fairgrounds.
ARRIVAL and DISMISSAL: Students should be dropped off and picked by the band room door at the back of the school. I try my best to be at every band event 30 minutes before the report time to open the door. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE INSIDE THE SCHOOL BUILDING BEFORE MR. MOORE, MR. STENGER, MS. MACLEOD, or MS. LEIMAN ARRIVE. Band camp week is a good chance to figure out who lives near each other so car pools can be arranged.
- Please leave the first four spots by the building available for band director parking.
- We share this area with the football team, so please be aware when picking up and dropping off.
- During football games, the buses and trailers will need a path to this area. Please wait in a parking space.
- Students must wait in the area outside the band room for pick up. I don't want to leave anyone unsupervised. If you anticipate being more than 15 minutes late, it would be helpful to make other arrangements for your child's transportation.They should always wait near the firelane by the band room so Mr. Moore knows who is still waiting for a ride.
-Students should not be wandering around the school. We have limited access to the band room, choir room, and a designated restroom.
-Band members should always arrive at practice planning on working outside in athletic shoes for marching with shorts, t-shirt and mask. CNE marching rockets do not rehearse in barefeet or flipflops.
-CNE Band Members should have a natural hair color(does not have to be their own), and long hair should be worn up for performances. If your hair touches the back of your uniform jacket, it should be worn up.
-Lastly, it is very important that students eat properly, rest effectively and hydrate properly. The CNE Marching Rockets work hard to prepare for our performances. We are only as strong as our weakest member, and you aren't helping anyone by being tired or sick and sitting on the sideline. Be prepared to work hard.
Please check your house and car trunks for band uniforms and uniform pieces. We are missing these entire uniforms and many other people are missing pieces.
2024 Clermont Northeastern Marching Rockets Tentative Schedule
Tuesday, July 16 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Thursday, July 18 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Sunday July 21 Clermont County Fair Parade 12:00
Report to Owensville Building/Ends at Fairgrounds
Monday, July 29 Band Camp Kickoff 5:30-8:00PM
Tuesday, July 30-Friday Aug 2 Band Camp 8:00-5:30PM
Tuesday, August 6 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Tuesday, August 13 Night Band? 5:30-8:00PM
Tuesday, August 20 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, August 23 Football vs. Finneytown 5:30 Report
Tuesday, August 27 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, August 30 Football vs. MVCA 5:30 Report
Tuesday, September 3 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, September 6 Football at Batavia 5:30 Report
SAT, SEP 7 Ohio University Band Day Performance (Pending)
Tuesday, September 10 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, September 13 Football vs. New Richmond 5:30 Report
Tuesday, September 17 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, September 20 Football at Cincinnati Country Day 5:30 Report
Tuesday, September 24 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, September 27 Football vs. Blanchester 5:30 Report
Tuesday, October 1 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
THURSDAY, October 3 Football vs. Bethel 5:30 Report
Friday, Oct 4-Sunday Oct. 6 Pumpkin Run Fundraiser
Tuesday, October 8 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, October 11 Football at Fayetteville 5:30 Report
Tuesday, October 15 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
THURS, OCT 17 Possible Parade Performance (Pending)
Friday, October 18 Football at East Clinton 5:30 Report
Tuesday, October 22 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, October 25 Football vs. Williamsburg 5:30 Report
TBA Conference Night Varsity Show Concert 5:30 Report
6:00 Start
Friday, Nov 1 or Sat Nov 2 Possible Football Playoffs TBA
NOV 21-23 Middle School Drama @ Anderson Center
Saturday, February 1 OMEA Solo and Ensemble Competition TBA
MAR 13-15 Drama @ Anderson Center
TBA-Veterans Day Parade and Holiday Parades