Are you ready for some football. The Marching Rockets are home this week to support our CNE Rockets as they take on the Bulldogs of Batavia. Please wear purple to tonight's game in honor of Kinley Sexton.
Friday- Rehearsal starts at 5:30 on the practice field. We will change into uniforms and have a Jam session with a donation bucket by the main gate entrance around 6:15. Students should eat before they arrive. They will have a break during 3rd quarter to visit friends and family, the restroom and concession stand.
The CNE Band uniform includes the student providing long black socks, blue band shirt, and long hair tied up and tucked into the band hat. There are quite a few members that still owe for their band shoes-$25.00 payable to CNE Band Boosters.
We also have a bake sale during home games. We ask for band families to please bring packaged baked goods in 50 cent portions. They can be dropped off by students before practice at the table in the front of the band room.
If you want to pick up your student from an away event, I need you to meet me-Mr. Moore at the trailer to claim your student in a timely manner. Your student needs to make arrangements to take care of their uniform and instrument at the school.
Concession stand help:
We are in need of workers for the concession stand for the fall season. We run the football, volleyball, and soccer concessions. This is a good way to earn trip scholarship for Florida 2021 or Band Shoes. There is a sign up sheet in the band room. There is a link here.
Please do not request access to edit the google sheet. Please email Jenny Leiman or Chris Moore to sign up.
We need 1 worker for Volleyball Thursday 9/12 at 4:30
We need 1 worker for Soccer Thursday 9/19 at 4:00
We need 1 worker for Volleyball Wednesday 9/25 at 4:30
We need 2 workers for Football on Friday 9/27 at 5:30
We need 1 worker for Volleyball Monday 9/30 at 4:30
Pumpkin Run October 4-October 6
We have received our sign up sheets for the Pumpkin Run. The band will be working the Horse Barn Booth. There are many other booths that other CNE groups work-This is the only booth that earns money for the band. Aunt Frieda and Uncle Al are welcome to work. Sign up sheets are in the bandroom There is an away football game on Friday night. The band will be travelling, but it is Blanchester’s homecoming. I would anticipate the band only performing in the stands.
Friday 10/4 5:30-10:30 Need 5 Adults and 2 Grillers
Friday 10/4 6:00-10:30 Need 4 Adults and 2 Grillers
Friday 10/4 10:00-3:30 Need 12 Adults and 4 Adult Grillers
Friday 10/4 3:00-8:30 Need 6 Adults, 7 Adult/ Student(non band members) and 3 Adult Grillers
Saturday 10/5 7:00-10:30 Need 4 Adults, 4 Students and 4 Adult Grillers
Saturday 10/5 10:00-3:30 Need 6 Adults, 5 Students and 3 Adult Grillers
Saturday 10/5 3:00-8:30 Need 6 Adults, 7 Students and 3 Adult Grillers
Sunday 10/6 7:00-10:30 Need 4 Adults, 4 Students and 4 Adult Grillers
Sunday 10/6 10:00-1:30 Need 6 Adults, 5 Students and 3 Adult Grillers
Sunday 10/6 1:00-4:30 Need 6 Adults, 7 Students and 3 Adult Grillers
Band policies:
-Students should be dropped off and picked by the band room door at the back of the school. I try my best to be at every band event 30 minutes before the report time to open the door. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE INSIDE THE SCHOOL BUILDING BEFORE MR. MOORE OR MR. F ARRIVE. Please leave the first two spots by the building available for band director parking. Students must wait in the area outside the band room for pick up. I don't want to leave anyone unsupervised. If you anticipate being more than 15 minutes late, please make other arrangements for your child's transportation.They should always wait near the firelane by the band room so Mr. Moore and Mr. F know who is still waiting for a ride.
-Band members should always arrive at practice planning on working outside in athletic shoes for marching with shorts and t-shirt. CNE marching rockets do not rehearse in barefeet or flipflops.
-CNE Band Members should have a natural hair color(does not have to be their own), and long hair should be worn up for performances. If your hair touches the back of your uniform jacket, it should be worn up.
-Lastly, it is very important that students eat properly, rest effectively and hydrate properly. The CNE Marching Rockets work hard to prepare for our performances. We are only as strong as our weakest member, and you aren't helping anyone by being tired or sick and sitting on the sideline. Be prepared to work hard.
Band Boosters
Our monthly band booster meeting will be at 8:00 on Tuesday September 10 in the band room. We will meet following practice.
Academic Eligibility
Clermont Northeastern has made a focus on raising our academic achievement. Students that are not academically eligible to perform with the band (passing 5 classes for 4th quarter) are still allowed to practice with the band. They are not allowed to perform or travel with the band until they are passing five classes on the next grading period.
Upcoming Events
Friday, September 13 Football vs. Batavia 5:30 Report
Tuesday, September 17 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, September 20 Football @ Summit Country Day 5:30 Report
Tuesday, September 24 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, September 27 Football vs. Hillsboro 5:15 Report
if you show up in uniform-earlier if not arriving in uniform there is a parade
Tuesday, October 1 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Friday, October 4 Football @ Blanchester 5:30 Report
Tuesday, October 8 Night Band 5:30-8:00PM
Thursday, October 10 BLINK Parade presented by Skyline Chili 4:00 Report
Friday, October 11 Football @ Bethel 5:30 Report