Concert by the lake is May 4-May the 4th be with you...
High school students should bring a 12 pack of pop.
Band things
5:55 HS Concert Band
6:45 All Grades Band Bash
7:15 HS Band Ensembles
8:00 Marching Rockets
Full Schedule
5:30 Elementary Grade 1
5:45 MS 6th grade Choir
5:55 HS Concert Band
6:10 MS 7th Grade Choir
6:20 Elementary Grade 2
6:35 MS 8 Grade Choir
6:45 All Grades Band Bash
7:00 HS Mixed Choir
7:15 HS Band Ensembles
7:30 Elementary Grade 3
7:45 HS Select Choir
8:00 Marching Rocket