Tonight is the concert in the High School, Gym.
Middle School starts at 6:30-reports at 6:15. High School 7:30-should be there around 7. 8th graders in marching band should play with the high school also. Dress is nice clothes.
There is no band booster meeting this month.
Florida Tour.Fall concession has been added to charms and by now everyone should have either made payments of, or transferred, or a combination of both, $500 by now. If you have money in scholarship to transfer, you need to let us know.
Academic Eligibility
This year, CNE Schools is focusing on Increasing Student Achievement. The grading period ends this Friday and students must be passing 5 classes in order to participate in band during the 2nd quarter. Students must be academically eligible during the 4th grading period to attend the band and choir Florida tour. That means they must be passing 5 classes on their third quarter report card. At that point, there is no refund and we would only be able to try to find a replacement traveler.
2016-2017 CNE Pep Band
If you are registered in full year band at the high school, you are required to attend or have a substitute from the same instrument at each of your scheduled games. Substitutes may be from the other band or an 8th grader. Each game is worth 50 points.
The pep band uniform is a cne band shirt or hoodie and jeans.
Report time for all games is 6:30. No one is allowed in the band room before 6:30.
Everyone must enter through the front doors and check in at the table. If you are registered in full year band or subbing for someone, you must sign in with Mr. Moore or Mr. P.
No one is allowed in the back hallway.
The pep band is finished playing after halftime on weeknight games Monday-Thursday.
Pep Band Schedule Opponent Band
Thursday, December 8 Girls vs. Williamsburg Blue
Friday, December 9 Boys vs. Williamsburg Gold
Friday, December 16 Boys vs. Blanchester Blue
Wednesday, December 21 Boys vs. Mariemont Gold
Friday, January 6 Boys vs. Georgetown Blue
Wednesday, January 11 Boys vs. Fairfield Gold
Friday, January 13 Boys vs. Felicity Blue
Tuesday January 17 Boys vs. New Richmond Gold
Friday, February 3 Boys vs. Bethel Blue
Tuesday, February 7 Boys vs.Batavia Gold
You are allowed to attend all games.