It is a new year.
We need help with concessions. We have the following openings:
1/9 HS Boys 3:30-6:30 Need 4 workers
1/9 HS Boys 6:00-8:30 Need 4 workers
1/10 MS Girls 3:30 Need 1 worker
1/15 HS Girls 5:00 Need 2 workers
1/16 MS Girls 3:30 Need 1 worker
1/22 MS Girls 3:30 Need 1 worker
1/22 HS Girls 5:00 Need 2 workers
1/23 HS Boys 3:30-6:30 Need 4 workers
1/23 HS Boys 6:00-8:30 Need 4 workers
1/24 MS Boys 3:30 Need 1 worker
1/25 MS Girls 3:30 Need 1 worker
1/25 HS Girls 5:00 Need 2 workers
1/29 MS Boys 3:30 Need 1 worker
There is a pep band game this Saturday 1/6 Report time is 6:30 pm. Student should enter and sign in at the front of the high school. We are limited to 35 members per night. Students are responsible for finding a substitute if they cannot attend. There are still a couple spots open if someone else wants to attend.
The main rosters are posted on marching
There are 2 more games this month on 1/9 and 1/23.
Land of Grant
Congratulations to the following students for making the 2018 Land of Grant Honor Band: Zach Baker, Gabe Beebe, Ally Gum, Tyler House, Shawn Huff, Nicole Leonard, Chris Moorhouse, Luke Ortega, Jakob Paytes, Nolan Reed, Angel Snider, Elizabeth Stricker and Sam Wood.
Band Boosters
Our next band booster meeting will be January 9th after halftime.
Academic Eligibility
Clermont Northeastern has made a focus on raising our academic achievement. Students that are not academically eligible to perform with the band (passing 5 classes for 1st quarter) are still allowed to practice with the band. They are not allowed to perform or travel with the band until they are passing five classes on the next grading period.
Upcoming Events-There have been a few schedule changes this season
Saturday, Jan 6 Pep Band A 6:30 Report
Tuesday Jan. 9 Pep Band B 6:30 Report
Band Boosters after halftime
Friday, Jan 19 Land of Grant Rehearsal @ W Brown 4-9PM
Saturday, Jan 20 Land of Grant Rehearsal @ W Brown 9-4
Sunday, Jan 21 Land of Grant Concert @ W Brown 3PM
Tuesday, Jan 23 Pep Band C 6:00 Report
Saturday, Feb 3 OMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest @ Elder HS