THURSDAY- The Marching Rockets travel to Roger Bacon (yes-this is where St. Bernard plays their games right down the street from their high school) this week to support our CNE Rockets as they take on the Titans of St. Bernard-Elmwood. Rehearsal starts at 5:30 on the practice field. Students should eat before they arrive. They will have a break during 3rd quarter to visit the restroom and concession stand.
SATURDAY- The Marching Rockets will travel to the University of Dayton to participate in their band day halftime performance.
6:45- Band Room opens-change into uniforms, load trailer.
7:00-Load buses
8:30 - Arrive/Unload
9:00 - Brass/Woodwind/Percussion/Color Guard Sectionals with UD Staff
9:30 - Watch Pride of Dayton rehearse pregame/halftime
10:15 - High School Bands join the Pride of Dayton on the field to rehearse mass band halftime
11:00 - LUNCH provided by the Pride of Dayton
12:45 - Pregame
1:00 - Kickoff - During the game you will be seated on the "away" side grandstand along with the Pride of Dayton
Halftime performance with the Pride of Dayton and mass band
We are planning on staying through the end of the game.
601 S Edwin C Moses Blvd
Dayton, OH 45417
Parking at Welcome Stadium is free for all Flyer football games. Your lead bus will be greeted by guides from UD. These guides will be your escort for the duration of the day.
Admission to the game is free for students and directors. Parents may purchase discounted tickets from athletics online using the Promo Code: BANDDAY2017 Please share this link with your parents and boosters. Tickets will be available at the gate, but you won't be able to receive the discount.
Concession Stand
We need help with the following shifts
2 Shifts @ MS Football Weds 9/13 3:30
2 Shifts @ Soccer Thurs 9/14 4:00
Pumpkin Run September 29-October 1
We have received our sign up sheets for the Pumpkin Run. The band will be working the Horse Barn Booth. There are many other booths that other CNE groups work-This is the only booth that earns money for the band. We have shifts on Friday for adults and students from 6AM-10:30AM, 10AM-3:30PM, and 3-8:30PM. Saturday we have shifts for adults and students 7:30-10:30, 10-3:30, and 3-8:30. Sunday we have shifts for adults and students 7:30-10:30, 10-1:30, and 1-4:30. Aunt Frieda and Uncle Al are welcome to work.
Band Boosters
Our monthly band booster meeting will be at 8:00 on Tuesday September 12 in the band room. We will meet following practice.
Academic Eligibility
Clermont Northeastern has made a focus on raising our academic achievement. Students that are not academically eligible to perform with the band (passing 5 classes for 4th quarter) are still allowed to practice with the band. They are not allowed to perform or travel with the band until they are passing five classes on the next grading period.
Upcoming Events-There have been a few schedule changes this season
Tuesday, September 12 Practice 5:30-8:00PM
Band Booster Meeting 8:00PM
Thursday, September 14 Football @ St. Bernard 5:30 Report
Saturday, September 16 University of Dayton Band Day 7:00 AM Report in uniform
1:00 Kickoff
Tuesday, September 19 Practice 5:30-8:00PM
Thursday, September 21 Homecoming parade/Bonfire 5:30 Report in uniform
Friday, September 22 Football vs. Hillsboro 5:30 Report
Tuesday, September 26 Practice 5:30-8:00PM
Thursday, September 28 Football vs. Fayetteville 5:30 Report